The Bailey Drink


Heb. 6:11,12 – And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

If you pay close attention in the book of Hebrews you will begin to see the Holy Spirit connecting the dots. Part of the time the author is exhorting us to endure with patience; the rest of the time he is calling us to a life of renewal, he calls it the new and living way. Actually, if you really get down to it, perseverance with faith is the fruit of renewal. The more we draw near and experience life behind the veil, the stronger we become and perseverance is the evidence. The way things are going in this generation, casual Christianity won’t last; daily renewal is a necessity to avoid being road kill in this goofy, secular world. Andrew Murray helps connect the dots between endurance and renewal, check this out.

“Long-suffering is the perseverance of faith. Faith grasps at once all that God promises, but is in danger of relaxing its hold. Long-suffering comes to tell how faith needs daily to be renewed, and strengthens the soul, even when the promise tarries, still to hold fast firm unto the end. This is one of the great practical lessons of our Epistle, and one the young believer specially needs. Conversion is but a beginning, a step, an entrance on a path; day by day its surrender must be renewed; every day faith must afresh accept Christ, and find its strength in Him. Through faith and long-suffering we inherit, enter on the possession of the promises. Salvation consists in what Christ Jesus is to us and does in us. There must, each day, be personal fellowship with Him, distinct personal surrender to His teaching and working, if He is indeed to be our life.”

What a relief! I don’t have to pull myself up by my bootstraps, or just buck up or snap too it. What is the answer when drama comes banging down the door? It’s really quite simple; have another drink. You know what I mean, a drink of the Holy Spirit new wine. This is where renewal comes from, this is where we are strengthened in the Lord daily to finish our race with joy. So take some time to be in His presence today, He will strengthen you for whatever comes.

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