The Bailey Drink


2Cor. 4:17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,

Have you ever been touched by God? No, I mean really touched by God. Like Paul, when he fell off his horse, or John eating sand on the Isle of Patmos, or Daniel passed out in the glory of His presence. I never knew these kinds of things happen today, at least until they started happening to me. I’ve been “stuck to the floor” under His weight of glory, laughing uncontrollably caught up in His joy, unable to stay on my feet in a shopping mall; yeah, I’ve had these things and plenty more happen in my life. You might wonder, “Why would God do these strange things?” I certainly don’t have all the answers but for me it had to do with this ‘rejoice and trembling’ thing that David talked about. It also brought a new sense of majesty and a major dose of joy into my life. Here are some thoughts from Jonathan Edwards after these kinds of visitations came to his church.
“Let us rationally consider what we profess to believe of the infinite greatness of the things of God, the divine wrath, the divine glory, and the divine infinite love and grace in Jesus Christ, and the vastness and infinite importance of the things of eternity; and how reasonable is it to suppose that if it pleases God a little to withdraw the veil, and let in light into the soul, and give something of a view of the great things of another world in their transcendent and infinite greatness, that human nature, that is as the grass, a shaking leaf, a weak withering flower, should totter under such a discovery? Such a bubble is too weak to bear the weight of a view of things that are so vast. Alas! What is such dust and ashes, that it should support itself under the view of the awful wrath of infinite glory and love of Jehovah! No wonder therefore that it is said, “No man can see me and live”, and “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God”. That external glory and majesty of Christ which Daniel saw, when there “remained no strength in him,” and “his comeliness was turned in him into corruption,”
So maybe, just maybe there is more of God available than you really know. Paul thought he had it all figured until light smacked him on the Damascus Road. There may be a visitation ahead for you. Just get open and really hungry and anything may happen.

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