Isaiah chapter 61 promises that the Lord will provide comfort for those who mourn and restore broken lives with “a crown of beauty instead of ashes.” Both Beckie and Barbara Jean’s hearts had been deeply wounded by abuse and shame. Discover how their lives were transformed through Jesus Christ and how they found healing and freedom from the past.

A letter from Walker Percy (1916-1990) printed on June 8, 1981, in the New York Times:

Covington, La. — I feel like saying something about this abortion issue. My credentials as an expert on the subject: none. I am an M.D. and a novelist. I will speak only as a novelist. If I give an opinion as an M.D., it wouldn’t interest anybody since, for one thing, any number of doctors have given opinions and who cares about another.

The only obvious credential of a novelist has to do with his trade. He ..

Interim president Michel Temer gets evangelical support from Congress but faces a country split by faith and politics.

Brazil has a new president, albeit temporarily. After sitting president Dilma Rousseff was accused of doctoring public finances to hide the country’s growing deficit, politicians—including the evangelical contingent—voted last week to begin her impeachment trial.

Brazil suffers its worst economy in recent history, with high rates of unemployment and inflation making the countr..

Puritan John Owen penned an unforgettable statement about God’s love:

“The greatest sorrow and burden you can lay on the Father, the greatest unkindness you can do to him, is not to believe that he loves you.”¹

Stop for a moment and reflect on that sentence—it could change your life.

Now, let me ask you three questions: Do you believe in God’s personal and passionate love for you? Are you delighting in God’s unconditional love? Or have you laid a sorrow and burden upon your adopted Father by ..

The best piece on know on how to maintain a godly disposition in theological controversy comes from a letter that John Newton wrote a pastor who was preparing to criticize a fellow minister.

The entire thing is well worth reading, but let me highlight here one section in particular on how we should think about our opponents in a controversy.

Commend Your Opponent to Earnest Prayer for God’s Teaching and Blessing
Newton writes:

As to your opponent, I wish, that, before you set pen to paper aga..

Moving usually isn’t the most enjoyable thing to do, especially if you’re making a move in the heat of summer. You have to consider all sorts of things like travel logistics, getting your stuff (which always seems to multiply) into a moving truck (which always seems to be smaller than you thought), and setting up everything at your new place.

Sure, actually moving your stuff might take a weekend but there are a few things you should do ahead of time to make your move go as planned. Since moving into a new place usually doesn’t happen often, most people are just not sure what to do when moving.

Don’t let your big move sneak up on you. Get organized and plan ahead with these moving tips. You’ll be glad you did.

5 Things to Remember When Moving1. Start Looking EarlyAssuming you don’t already have a place, you’ll need to lock this part in right away. When we were planning on moving to a new city for my wife to attend medical school, we started looking at rentals 6 months in advance.

Malawi (Mission Network News) — Force for Christ, an international hosting program for orphans, is gearing of for another hosting summer and needs families to help.

For those who don’t know what orphan hosting is, Chad LaForce with Force for Christ explains, “Hosting is where an orphan child from another country comes and stays for a period of between four to six weeks with a Christian family in the United States. And so we facilitate that whole process.”

This year, Force for Christ will be he..

Many skeptics maintain unquestioned faith that science will solve the world’s problems. Seeing the evidence of chaos throughout the world, often the product of religiously-inspired violence, they conclude that religion is somehow the problem. Authors like Christopher Hitchens capitalize on such assumptions, writing best-selling books that explain how “God is not great” or how religion has “poisoned” everything. By contrast, science has provided “progress,” the sense that things are definitely ge..

In order to simplify your life, you must choose those things that are needful, as Mary did, instead of simply doing what would seem good or right to the natural mind.

Choosing things that aren’t needful will always produce cares and anxiety (Luke 10:41).

Anytime you feel uptight or anxious about something, look to see if you’re doing things that are not needful. Because doing things that are not necessary—even if they’re good—will always produce compl..

Several years ago, a friend and I were driving through a neighborhood on a beautiful summer day and he said, “We haven’t seen a single kid outdoors. They’re all inside, watching movies, playing video games and looking at computer screens.”

Nanci and I have talked about how when we were growing up, free time when it was daylight meant being outside, and free time at night meant reading a book. I have great memories of playing army in the wheat fields around our house, and playing football and bas..