Every good story must eventually come to an end. But when we look at certain books in the Bible, we may be surprised at how many end so terribly. The book of Judges is like that: it depicts one of the darkest moments in Israel’s checkered history, filled with truly gruesome, disturbing stories. And it all spirals downward, so that the end is worse than the beginning. By the last chapters of Judges, one horror follows another, until it seems like there is nothing redemptive at all. It looks like ..

Prior to this past Sunday, I have never preached a message on leisure. My bad. For, as J.I. Packer has written,

“We were not made, nor are we redeemed, to live without leisure.”

No we are not. This truth is seen from the opening words and chapters in Holy Scripture where God models rest and limits our work. The creation account reveals a rhythm of work and rest that is part of the created order. We were made for this rhythm. We are called to work but there is divinely imposed limit to our work..

Who was Moses wife? Was he even married and was their some sort of controversy about his wife?

Moses was born at a time when Pharaoh was trying to have all the male babies killed. Somehow, Moses survived by keeping him hidden and then by God’s providence, his mother floated him down the Nile and Pharaoh’s daughter found him. His Hebrew name, “Mosheh,” means “drawn” as in “drawn out of water.” Hebrews 11:23 says “Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents, because ..

By Jonathan Storment:
I’m in a blog series reviewing one of the best books I’ve read this year. It is Reviving Old Scratch by Richard Beck and it’s all about the Devil and Spiritual Warfare.
But before you turn up your nose at this, I want you to know this isn’t like the other spiritual warfare books out there. It is written specifically for the kinds of Christians who stopped believing in the Devil/Demons a long time ago, by someone who went down that same road.
The best way I could summarize B..

Fifteen years ago, President George W. Bush banned the use of federal money for extracting stem cells from human embryos. At the same time, he doubled funding for finding alternative sources. Today, virtually all stem cells used for medical treatments and research come from adult sources and do not involve the destruction of human life.
President Bush’s controversial decision has been vindicated, and it exemplifies the application of moral principles to scientific research. So says Christopher W..

That flooding in Louisiana that killed 13 and damaged 40,000 homes brought out some inspiring examples of neighbors helping each other, churches serving those in need, and out-of-state strangers showing up to help.
As the disaster moves into the clean-up phase, bureaucracy and politics threatens to get in the way.
But we can still help. One way is to give to LCMS Disaster Response.
From Andrew Vanacore, In Louisiana, the Political Mess May Outlast the Flood – POLITICO Magazine:
Imagine everythin..

Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said Donald Trump is God's choice for US president.

Senior Republican politician and former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has said she believes God raised up Donald Trump to win the US presidential election.

Bachmann, who retired last year and serves as one of Trump's evangelical advisers, said in an interview with The Brody File released yesterday: “This is one thing I know from the Book of Daniel: the bottom line of the Book o..

We often hear the phrase, “the best is yet to come,” as if it's a truth that comes from the Bible. However, we should know two things: it's not a Bible verse; and yes, God's best is yet to come, but only if we love God and we are in Christ.

That might sound harsh, but beloved friends, it's true. The best is yet to come, but unlike the phrase that says 'all good things come to those who wait' regardless of the condition of the heart, the Bible says that “al..

There are many reasons why Christians choose to step out and make a case for what they believe, and their motivations will ultimately determine the shape and content of their message. Over the years, I’ve been motivated by different desires and goals, depending on my ministry setting. As a youth pastor, I was intensely interested in what I have termed “Preemptive” Case Making in an effort to prepare students for the university setting. I spent years working with young people, addressing their do..

Have you ever noticed that some of our sorest temptations arise around God’s greatest gifts? Food, money, sex, ministry, authority—all of these can be used for such good, yet we consistently find they are attended by such difficulties. That is life in this sinful world, a world in which we turn blessings into curses, gifts into temptations. God’s gifts so quickly threaten to displace the One who gives them.

God does not appreciate competition. We find this all over the Bible, but I found some particularly interesting evidence of it while studying Deuteronomy 17 last week. God had saved his people from slavery and destroyed their archenemy, Egypt. He now reigned as their good and kind king. Yet though he loved his people, he knew his people. He knew that in the future they would demand a new king, a human king. And so hundreds of years before the people cried out for King Saul, God told them who and what their future king must be: He must be a man of God’s own choosing, he must be an I..